
Abstract submission is closed as of 31st March, registration is closed as of 1st of June.

The conference science programme will consist of four days of talks and poster sessions, with mid-conference field trips to a range of soil, geological, historical and general interest sites in the local and wider areas.  A longer pre-conference field trip to the west coast of Scotland to explore the Tertiary zeolite localities is also planned. In addition, a pre-conference workshop is designed to bring together a range of communities interested in the properties of shales and their clay minerals; and a mid-conference short course on clay polymer interactions is offered as an alternative to the one-day field trips.

Pre-meeting field trip Monday 29th June to Saturday 4th of July
Workshop Sunday 5th of July
Talks and posters Monday 6th of July
Talks and posters Tuesday 7th of July
Field trips and short course Wednesday 8th of July
Talks and posters Thursday 9th of July
Talks and posters, close Friday 10th of July

The programme and abstracts can now be downloaded

POSTERS: Posters must be A0 portrait (841 mm wide x 1189 mm tall) in format.

We also plan an active social programme including an icebreaker reception, student reception, whisky tasting, conference dinner at Our Dymanic Earth, and accompaning persons' trips to Stirling Castle, Rosslyn Chapel and the Royal Yacht Britannia.

You can browse the sessions and symposia here or download a list of them as a PDF file, additionally there will arrangements for a wide range of general sessions at the conference.


The Marilyn and Sturges W. Bailey Distinguished Member Award

James Kirkpatrick: NMR Spectroscopy and Computational Molecular Modeling of Clay Minerals

Pioneer in Clay Science Lecturer

Reinhard Kleeberg: The application of the Rietveld method in X-ray diffraction analysis of clays

Clay Minerals Group – George Brown Lecture I

Sergey Krivovichev: Structural complexity of zeolites: fundamental approach and applications

Mineralogical Society Max Hey Medal

Stuart Mills: The hydrotalcite supergroup: layered minerals with amazing potential for water purification and carbon sequestration

Joint: Jackson Mid-Career Clay Scientist Award, Clay Minerals Group – George Brown Lecture II

Balwant Singh: Imperfect minerals can control soil fertility and geochemistry

Mineralogical Society Hallimond Lecture

Neal Skipper: Neutron scattering studies of clay minerals



Piergiulio Cappelletti: Natural zeolites in pharmaceutical applications

Wen-An Chiou: Microstructure of clay assembly – from clay particles to shale

Jin-Ho Choy: Emerging Nano Convergence Science : Clay based Drug Delivery System

Peter Coveney: Modelling clay-polymer nanocomposites using a multiscale approach

Will Gates: Relevance of testing specifications for bentonite used in hydraulic barriers - can they be improved?

Ed Grew: The roles of chance and necessity in the diversification of minerals: is Earth’s continental crust unique?

Jarrod Hart: Process Selection Heuristics in Mineral Processing

Toshihiro Kogure: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and Clay

David Laird: Biochar effects on nutrient leaching in soils

Bruno Lanson: Crystal structures of defective lamellar compounds and their X-ray identification: Insights on mineral reactions and material reactivity

Stefano Leporatti: Halloysite Clay Nanotubes as Novel Carriers for Drug Delivery

M. Liu: Halloysite Nanotubes for Biomedical Application: Opportunities and Challenges

Paul Nadeau: Reconstructing basin burial and thermal history using shale seismic properties, reservoir fluid inclusions, and advanced modal analysis methods in the Arctic Barents Sea

Dan Richter: One Physical System: Sir Arthur Tansley's Ecosystem as Earth's Critical Zone

Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky: Fibrous vs. layered clays in nanocomposites

Giora Rytwo: The “magic” in environmental applications of clay based materials

Thorsten Schaefer: Workshop summary: From microscopic pore structures to transport properties in shales: Which gaps are filled?

Jan Srodon: The background, motivation and history of the Reynolds Cup

Tonguc Uysal: Geochronology and isotope geochemistry of clay minerals to study thermal and fluid flow events

Olivier Vidal: What do chlorites and other phyllosilicates tell us about their conditions of formation?

Cesar Viseras: Safety assessment of clays used in health care products